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The Conscious Awareness Learning Model (CALM) is an approach to Conscious Discipline®. CALM prepares and delivers training to early childhood and family child care providers by employing research based, multi-year coaching strategies to improve their existing abilities, help them develop new skills and encourage them to build children's social-emotional intelligence through the evidence-based practices outlined in Conscious Discipline®.

Visit and subscribe to our YouTube Channel

We are providing age appropriate resources and meaningful learning experiences to help children stay engaged and continue learning during this uncertain/transitional time. The resources will range from social-emotional regulation, math, science and literacy. Click here to explore the CALM Learning Line Resources.

CALM Educational Site Support Requests

When submitting a request for CALM Support, follow these steps: 

  1. Submit request form to the CALM Supports team at Please include the name of the Center/FCCH in the subject line, ex. CALM Supports Request – Mother Theresa FCCH

  2. Request forms must be completed to its entirety, including a signature of approval from a director/owner. Please make sure all the information on request form is accurate, i.e., e-mail address, contact number, center address with zip code

  3. Once eligibility has been confirmed (attended 8 CALM workshops since October 1, 2022), you will be notified via e-mail
    Note: CALM Special Sessions, ELM and QEES trainings do not count towards the 8 required workshops

  4. Use the catalog to find materials that will help support the CALM initiative in your classroom or Center/FCCH         

                                                                                                    Calculate amount (2 @ $29 = $58) ↑ 

  5. Complete the order form. Enter the quantity of items and calculate the total in the far right column (see above).

  6. After selecting all your items and calculating the subtotal, calculate estimated shipping/handling cost. Shipping is a lump sum at $50 for every $500 spent (ex. If you spend $1,700, shipping costs will be $150).

  7. Total up final amount with estimated shipping included. All request calculations will be reviewed for accuracy prior to approval.

  8. Send completed order form to the CALM Supports team at

  9. You will be contacted when your order is completed via e-mail by Jourdain Cole or Chloe Bogdajewicz, as well as if there are any question and for final approval and next steps for delivery. 

Contact us if you have any questions.

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Order Form -

MS Excel or PDF

Tablet Request Form

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CALM - News

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Bay News 9 - August 5, 2020

Hillsborough County CALM Program

Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine July 2019_e

Are you interested in learning how to implement CALM in your classroom, center or family child care home?

Completely fill out our registration form

Make sure you provide your: 

  • Name

  • Phone & Email

  • Center's Name

  • Center's Address/Zip

CALM Site Support Requests
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